Many who have diabetes and are desperate have resorted to dangerous
bypass surgery in an attempt to reverse the disease. There are
several reasons why this is a very bad decision for your health. The
numbers of people suffering from high blood sugar is soaring, to
make matters worst diet is failing the many who have tried. Bypass
surgery for diabetes is usually the route taken by those who have
failed to reverse the illness by dieting but this is a very bad
decision says researchers.
Surgery does not work
The main reason to avoid this surgery is because researchers showed
last year that of the thousands of people who had this procedure the
high blood sugar secretly returned. Many were miss lead into think
that their high glucose had gone away. In fact, the illness returns
after the surgeries and hundreds of thousands of dollars were wasted.
The pain and bleeding also took some over a year before a full
recovery. Despite the pain and complications of the surgery there are
still some who would undergo the procedure if it really made their
high blood sugar go away but it does not. It is clear that bypass
surgery for diabetes does not work.
The New York Times broke the story last year and revealed what those
who have had the procedure already knew, the high blood sugar
returns. The Journal of Obesity Studies published the shocking
Here were the key finding.
- Weight gain was not the cause of the high blood sugar returning
- Almost 50% of people who had this expensive procedure had the high blood sugar return
Here was the quote from one of the doctors
we’re learning is that not all diabetic patients do as well as
others,” said Dr. David E. Arterburn, the lead author of the study
and an associate investigator at the Group Health Research Institute
in Seattle. “Those who are early in diabetes seem to do the best,
which makes a case for potentially earlier intervention.”
This is unbelievable, what they are saying is that a person with Pre
diabetes and slightly overweight does best on this $3,000 dollar
surgery. This is nonsense, we have shown people in 17 countries how
to reverse full diabetes (not just pre diabetes) without any
medications or surgery. We have shown that people naturally drop fat
on our diabetic based diet. This is why Spirit Happy is the number
one weight loss and diabetes cure in 17 countries. A diabetic diet is the greatest secret for weight loss for all people and we have shown this in our research
Avoid the Gastric bypass surgery and medications and reverse the weight yourself like our thousands of readers. See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet
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