A question from one of our readers “I have high blood sugar
what should I eat” is actually a very important issue that can cause a lot of
confusion. Most diabetics are really unclear on what is the best diet plan to
follow. The problem is due to the fact that there are still many myths
surrounding the illness. I have high
blood sugar what should I eat is the question so lets take a look at a common sweetener
used by diabetics and dieters, Splenda
Myths and hype
One of the myths surrounding high glucose involves the use
of sugar; the vilification of sugar has allowed the artificial sweetener
industry a very easy road to promote their dangerous and un-natural product to
millions of people. Sugar in moderation
is natural and better than any artificial sweetener. Is Splenda really natural and
safe? The truth of the matter is Splenda can make you fatter. This is the result
of a study at the well respected University
of Duke in the United States .
How Splenda makes you fat
The body operates on balance. When you are in good health
your blood pressure, cells, gut bacteria’s all operate in perfect balance. They
go up and down and regulate the system. This is where we will focus on Splenda.
Duke University
researchers found out that the artificial sweetener reduced the amount of gut bacteria
by up to 50%, this is very scary because this gut bacteria is very important if
you want to stay thin.
I have high blood sugar what should I eat? The study showed
that Splenda lead to weight gain
Read below
study, which was published in the Journal of
Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, provides "evidence that, in the animals studied,
Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%, increases
the pH level in the intestines, contributes to increases in body weight and
affects the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the body in such a way that crucial
health-related drugs could be rejected,"
How much Splenda caused this? It was the equivalent of 7 packets. Over time and daily use this could have extreme consequences’ on ones health and weight. Has diet soda every caused anyone to lose weight? Think about that.
How much Splenda caused this? It was the equivalent of 7 packets. Over time and daily use this could have extreme consequences’ on ones health and weight. Has diet soda every caused anyone to lose weight? Think about that.
The Spirit Happy site has shown
that when you heal the body of processed foods the poison high blood sugar goes
away and you balance the body. No more diabetes and weight issues. Avoid the artificial and heal! I have high
blood sugar what should I eat was a great question but know is your turn to do something
about it. An insulin resistance diet has reversed diabetes in over 17 countries naturally, this simply works.
Click here Type2 Diabetes Diet
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