Showing posts with label diabetes without medication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetes without medication. Show all posts

Diet soda loses but you win!

Pepsi cola announced last week that it would start removing the fake sweetener aspartame from its diet sodas. This is no small victory for the people; Spirit Happy Diet has been pushing for the removal of all artificial sweeteners for over 6 years. In the 1980’s the diet soda makers discovered that using the word “diet” in their sodas would convince people that the beverage was a healthy choice, it worked. People started buying diet soda but were not aware that the aspartame in diet soda is very dangerous.

Pepsi loses you win

Pepsi announced last week that they will bow to the public and start producing diet soda without aspartame.  The fake sweetener aspartame is linked to cancer, mental confusion, soda addiction, weight gain, brain damage and more. Almost every diet drink today uses aspartame, because it is a cheap sugar substitute.

Why the change?

 Why did Pepsi decide to drop the aspartame? Do not believe for a second that this was done because they care about the consumer. This was done because the people were finally wakening to the fact that diet drinks are dangerous. Pepsi has been experiencing a tremendous loss of revenue from their diet sodas. As the public became more aware of diet drink dangers, they turned away from fake sugars and returned to real sugar. 6 years ago Spirit Happy diet reported on the dangerous of diet drinks, the food makers called us alarmists; they did not want their profits disturbed. It took a long time but the soda maker finally got the message.  

Pepsi has made literally billions of dollars from diet soda because the public has come to believe real sugar is bad.

It most be made clear that sugar in moderation, is better than any artificial sweetener.  Avoid all artificial sweeteners; they are…“Artificial”

The only bad news in this story is the fact that Pepsi will replace aspartame in their diet drinks with splenda.

Splenda is not safe! It causes weight gain not weight loss! Splenda is terrible for diabetics. We will report more on this in a future post.

How much they profited from diet poison soda

Diet soda's share of consumption rose from 26% to 31% between 1990 and 2010, according to Beverage Marketing Corp., even as many consumers complained about the taste.

Pepsi Co brought in $$$12 billion dollars in soda sales in 2011!

Since 2012 diet soda sales have been dropping fast

The Big Drop in sales

CBS News reported on the huge drop in revenue from diet soda 

Over the past year(2012), sales of non-diet sodas have declined 2.2 percent, while diet sodas have declined 6.8 percent.

Pepsi wants their $$$billions of dollars in profit from you so they are going to advertise "New diet Pepsi without aspartame!" 

For those who want to be thinner, how to lose weight was revealed by the Swedish for less than 20 dollars. The exact combinations of certain foods cause stunning weigh loss. This is the only diet you will ever need.  

For those with type 2 diabetes, the Spirit Happy Diet is still the number one natural diabetes reversal diet; it is used in 17 countries. This produces a normal blood sugar without the need for medications.

Be natural; let your food be your medicine.

Diabetes and fruit…a great combination

Diabetes and fruit can be a fantastic combination; unfortunately there is so much misinformation about high blood sugar, many diabetics are simply confused about how to eat. Food is a wonderful medicine when used in the correct way; it is the specific combinations of the right food which reverse illness. Diabetes and fruit, this subject has left many people perplexed about their relationship.

Whole fruit as a powerful weapon against high blood sugar

People are so confused about sugar, this confusion makes treating high blood sugar difficult; the plain fact of the matter is that whole fruits can actually produce a normal blood sugar. Mango is one fruit which has been recently studied in treating high blood sugar; research shows that the fruit has an amazing ability to produce a normal blood sugar in diabetics.  

In addition to producing a normal blood sugar mango has the ability to lower body fat.  

One study from Oklahoma State University revealed the amazing benefits of mango fruit on diabetes and reduction of body fat, 12 weeks of daily mango causes significant body fat loss as well as normalized blood sugar.  The researchers admit they don’t know why the fruit works so well!

* Note: Fruit juice does not help diabetes ONLY whole fruit; it is the exact combination of specific food which reverses diabetes.

"We believe this research suggests that mangos may give obese individuals a dietary option in helping them maintains or lower their blood sugar. However, the precise component and mechanism has yet to be found and further clinical trials are necessary, particularly in those that have problems with sugar control, such as diabetics, are necessary," lead author of the study, Dr Edralin Lucas, associate professor of nutritional sciences at Oklahoma State University, College of Human Sciences

Read between the lines

1. When they say “we don’t know the mechanism by which the fruit works”, what they are actually looking for a way to produce a drug from the mango compound.

2. When they state further research will be needed, it means you will never hear about mango for diabetes again, why? The drug companies need you on drugs not fruit; this is how they make billions in profit.

Do you know any diabetics getting daily mango? Have you heard of the way fruit heals the body accept on Spirit Happy Diet?  Most people need no drugs to reverse type 2 diabetes, but this information will not reach 90% of those who have high blood sugar.

* Note: Fruit juice does not help diabetes ONLY whole fruit; it is the exact combination of specific food which reverses diabetes. Example of whole fruit mango smoothie below

The key to reversing diabetes is with a healing diet NOT a sugar free diet; this is what most diabetic will never discover. The drug companies want you on their drugs for life; the side effects of these medications include heart failure and cancer.


What to eat for breakfast with diabetes

I have diabetes what should I eat for breakfast? This is a very common question for people who are seeking to keep their blood sugar level normal. Eating the wrong food can cause a diabetic to see a dramatic increase in their blood glucose level and this can lead to serious health complications. It is important to learn how and what to eat for breakfast when you have diabetes, skipping the morning meal can cause deep trouble.

The first meal is extremely important

A recent study highlights how important it is for a diabetic to have a morning meal, often people are not very hungry in the morning and will skip the early meal but this can be a big mistake. According to the University of Minnesota eating a morning meal — even among people whose dietary habits are not all that nutritional — is associated with a lower rate of obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 high blood sugar, and other metabolic health problems. This study follows an earlier study which came to the same conclusion, if you have diabetes you should eat breakfast.

The study was led by the U School of Public Health’s Dr. Andrew O. Odegaard, from the division of Epidemiology and Community Health

There are many who live with high blood sugar and skip the early meal, often the diabetic believes they are doing something good by bypassing the first meal but studies are showing that this is simply not true. It is important to learn how to reverse this illness , type 2 high blood sugar can be reversed without any medications.

Dr Odegaard stated “We examined and compared a range of breakfast frequencies with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other metabolic conditions over 18 years,” Odegaard said. “Eating a daily breakfast is a dietary habit that may be highly relevant for a person’s metabolic health.”

Why not reverse high blood sugar naturally like people have done in over 17 countries, when you learn what is really causing high blood sugar you can attack this illness and reverse it without drugs.

What can help me lose weight? Stop the diet soda

What can help me lose weight is a common question we get from the thousand of people who read this site and we make it clear that you must avoid diet soda. The public is finally waking up to the dangers of diet soda and this will start to eat into the profits of the larger soda companies, Coca cola has put out an ad defending the use of the chemical aspartame(used to make fake sugars). Those wondering what can help them lose weight should know that diet soda is not good for me or you.

Coke goes on the offensive

Diet drinks are a billion dollar business, Coke profited over 1.2 billion dollars last year on diet drinks, the dark side of these drinks are that they are linked to cancer, diabetes and weight gain. The fact that diet soda is addictive and causes weight gain has been sited in many University studies. One large study found that people who drank artificially sweetened soda were more likely to experience weight gain than those who drank non-diet soda. Others found those who drank diet soda had twice the risk of developing diabetes and obesity. Purdue University showed that diet soda was directly linked to weight gain and diabetes, the chemical aspartame has created billions for the soda makers but sickness for the people. The thousands of people who read this site and ask “what can help me lose weight?” are informed of the dangerous of fake sweeteners. Fake sweeteners make you fat.

Why dieting does not work

Dieting is a failure for most people today despite the thousands of diets on the market. The reason for the failure of dieting today is due to the fact that most people are not overweight from stuffing their faces all day, people cannot lose weight today because the food is highly processed with food chemicals which cause inflammatory weight gain.

Inflammation is the cause of ADHD,Diabetes and our weight gain. If you have a hard time losing weight today it is due to inflammation, this is backed by 100's of studies. The Departments of Genetics and Complex Diseases and Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health reported on the direct link between obesity and inflammation. The food today is made to profit billions of dollars but you will stay fat.

The diabetic style diet caused people with or without diabetes who had an inability to drop the excessive fat to experience fast and natural loss of fat. There is no other permanent and natural loss of body weight than by reversing inflammation which is caused by our modern food chemicals, this is how obese people lose weight. What can help me lose weight?

Why you must treat diabetes without medication

Diabetes should be treated without medication, the announcement of another failed drug for high blood sugar highlights why the illness must be treated natural. Over the past 5 years we have seen warnings issued on no less than 3 blockbuster type 2 diabetic drugs due to deaths, heart attack and stoke. Type 2 high blood sugar can and should be treated naturally, this is a lifestyle illness, in this article we will explain why you must treat diabetes without medication.

How diabetic medications creates billions of dollars and deaths

Pharmaceutical companies hurry to put out new drugs for high blood sugar because a typical Type 2 diabetic drug will create on average a $2 Billion dollar profit for the drug maker!

The diabetic drug Avandia which was recently banned in Europe and practically banned in the United States due to an estimated 100,000 heart attacks and numerous of deaths, the drug maker admitted to fraud and was recently fined 3 billion dollars! The drug brought in a cool 4 Billion dollars a year in profit for the drug maker Glaxo Smith Kline, the diabetic received a destroyed heart valve.

From the New York Times

Glaxo Smith Kline agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay $3 billion in fines for promoting its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a top diabetes drug, federal prosecutors announced Monday. The agreement also includes civil penalties for improper marketing of a half-dozen other drugs. It is imperative that you treat diabetes without medication. The drug maker admitted hiding the fact that the drug ruined the heart!

This is just the tip of the Iceberg, these drug makers will stop at nothing to get these dangerous diabetic drugs on the market for profit.

Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical company have been in trials to produce a new Type 2 diabetes drug in the same class as the banned drug Avandia. This new drug was to treat the risks of heart disease from high blood sugar, this is insane, diabetic drugs ruin your heart valve but they intended to create a new drug to address the heart risk. As expected the trials were stopped because the “new” drug caused health concerns! What a surprise!

Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical company giant released this statement about the failure of the “new” drug

We are disappointed by this outcome as we hoped that aleglitazar would provide significant benefit for patients with Type 2 diabetes who are at risk of cardiovascular disease,” Dr. Hal Barron, the chief medical officer, said in a statement

Diabetic medications cause heart disease, why would you want to take a new diabetic drug to treat the heart disease that may have come from another diabetic drug?

Spirit Happy is the number one naturally diabetes cure diet in the world, if you have high blood sugar it is because of processed foods which the food manufacturers get rich off of.

Processed foods and food manufacturers chemicals gave you high blood sugar, this can be reversed without drug 

The bigger lie of Paula Deen: Her Deal with the Diabetes Drug Makers

Paula Deen  is once again in the news, this time for her public announcement that of wanting to have an old time Southern Wedding with all the trimming including “African Slaves in white gloves” serving the food, her comments that she uses the ” N” word regularly have caused the Food Network to fire her and cancel her cooking show. There is something that diabetics and people trying to lose weight should also remember about Paula Deen, back in 2012 she lied and hide the fact that her food caused her diabetes.

What made the Deen lie worst was the fact that she said her food (sticks of Butter, Lard, Fried Chicken and Deep Fried Pork) was healthy! 

Paula Deen hid her Diabetes then signed a Million dollar deal with Novo Nordisk a Danish Diabetes drug maker to promote their Victoza diabetic drug line.

Timing is everything
Paula waited for the ink to dry on the Diabetes Deal then suddenly admit to the world that her deep fried Southern Cooking caused her diabetic condition; this is what is known as fraud on the public.  

Novo Nordisk issued this statement
"We recognize the seriousness of these allegations and will follow the legal proceedings closely," Novo said in a statement, going on to say, "We do not condone racial intolerance of any kind and have spoken to Paula about her comments in the deposition. While she takes a more proactive approach to clearing up her comments, our focus will continue to be to provide the best care possible to all of our patients where we work and live."

What Novo basically means is that if her name can bring in more sales of Victoza (the Brand she promotes) then she will stay, if the public really turns up the heat then she goes. 

A message to the Diabetic: The Diabetes drug companies do not care about you, they care about money…lots of money, Deen will be fired only if it means Novo loses money.

Diabetes reversed Drug free
The diabetic drug business is a billion dollar business but the Type 2 diabetic can kick the drug makers and the Paula Deen’s of the world to the street by reversing the illness drug free. 

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle illness that can be reversed drug free, the right combination of natural substances has been shown to stop high blood sugar, there are literally thousands of people who are still not understanding that they can avoid side effects and reverse diabetes drug free 

High Blood sugar reversed naturally in over 17 countries 

Diabetes drug side effects? Why the medication may be worst than the illness

Diabetes drug side effects may cause cancer,heart attack and even death, over the last 5 years the media as exposed the dangers of medications for high blood sugar. The most common form of high blood sugar is called “type 2 diabetes”, this is the form of high blood sugar 90 % of diabetics have; type 2 is a lifestyle illness that can be reversed without medications in most people. Diabetes drug side effects are very serious and this information does not always reach the uninformed diabetic. The billions of dollars that the drug-makers profit has lead to fraud and information suppression as to how dangerous the medications really can be.

The Billion dollar con game

Glaxo Smith Kline is the billion dollar drugmaker who had their diabetic medication “Avandia” exposed, the medication was reportedly linked to heart attack,stroke and death, most patients were not informed that Avandia had been linked to the destruction of the heart valve. Many family members of diabetics who had died of heart attack were made to believe that the illness had caused the heart attack but studies now show the drug was responsible for possibly more than 100,000 heart attacks.

Glaxo Smith Kline agreed to pay more than $250 million to resolve about 5,500 claims related to its Avandia diabetes drug and avoid the first trial over claims it kills users, two people familiar with the accords said.
Glaxo, the U.K.'s biggest drugmaker, agreed to settle the lawsuits claiming the drug causes heart attacks for an average of at least $46,000 each, said the people, who declined to be identified because they weren't authorized to speak publicly.

The side effects of diabetes drugs are horrible, what is even more amazing is that high blood sugar can be reversed naturally and drug free.

Glaxo tries again to profit from diabetic drugs
Yesterday, it was revealed that Glaxo Smith Kline were once again trying to get in on the billion diabetic drug market with another drug and once again their drug was linked to side effects. The experimental diabetes medicine albiglutide caused gastrointestinal side effects, in a study to be presented tomorrow to the ADA. The drug-makers will not stop until they are in the b billion dollar diabetic market, the diabetic is the innocent victim in these drug wars.

Why not Go natural

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle illness that can be reversed drug free, the right combination of natural substances has been shown to stop high blood sugar, there are literally thousand of people who are still not understanding that they can avoid side effects and reverse diabetes drug free

High Blood sugar reversed naturally in over 17 countries See here  how to stop diabetes medications

Can diabetes go away? A scary new study shows it is getting worst

Can diabetes go away is becoming a popular question among those living in the United States and England, the question  stems from a boom in the numbers of people who are suffering from this illness. It is clear that the situation is getting worst not better; a new study from the United Kingdom shows us that high blood sugar is ravishing people under 40 in a horrible way; obesity is also linked to this crisis, it is important to know what to do to protect yourself from this very deadly illness.

Younger people losing the fight to dangerous blood sugar
It is clear from a new study in England that younger people are being slammed by obesity and high blood sugar in record numbers.  A study of GPs' records found the number of young people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes rose an unbelievable 600% over two decades. If this does not scare you it should, we have reported on this site about the incredible rise in high blood sugar and how the illness is taking lives. Can diabetes go away? It must if you are going to have a fight chance at life. Understand that excess glucose is a poison in the bloodstream and this is what is happening to diabetics, the glucose is supposed to go in the cells to create energy but it is not happening in person with high blood sugar, the glucose is flooding the bloodstream! It must be stated very plainly that excess glucose in the blood damages the organs of the body  and is causing early death, your body cannot fight  this excess amount of glucose for long, glucose is poisoning the whole body.

The deadly complications
National research charity Diabetes UK found that nearly twice as many people with diabetes died within the first five years of being diagnosed when compared to people without the condition.

High blood sugar is an extremely serious illness; it is affecting people similar to how A.I.D.S did in the 1980’s.  Paul Streets, chief executive of Diabetes UK, said:

"This research shows that diabetes is quite simply too deadly to ignore. The tragic thing is that so many of these deaths can be avoided. Diabetes can lead to life-threatening complications like heart disease, kidney disease and strokes”
"If people are diagnosed sooner, receive proper treatment and are taught how to manage their condition better, many of these complications can be prevented and lives saved."

Can diabetes go away? This illness is a lifestyle illness that can be reversed with a very specialized diet; there is no need for drugs. We have shown people in over 17 countries how to reverse this illness without drugs, this has been proven

See here Diabetes reversed in over 17 countries

Diabetes Deaths Soaring: Protect yourself now

Diabetes is causing deaths in record numbers in New York City, there is an old saying “As goes New York so does the rest of the country”;  there were some very scare statistics that came back yesterday from The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, record numbers of people are dying from diabetes. This is a full scale crisis that is sweeping the country, 5 years ago Spirit happy Diet revealed that high blood sugar was a poison to the body worse than HIV; it took years before people finally agreed with us.

Excess glucose (sugar) in the blood causes death
High blood sugar is a poison in the bloodstream, glucose is supposed to go in the cells but this is not the case with diabetics, the glucose is flooding the bloodstream, and the glucose damages the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene revealed yesterday the amazing numbers of deaths from diabetes, almost 6,000 people died last year in New York City alone from High blood sugar, this excess (glucose) sugar floating in the blood will cause the death of your organs, it is crucial to remove this from the bloodstream to save your life. Every day with high blood sugar is a day with excess glucose poison sitting in the bloodstream.
Health Commissioner Thomas Farley “In the wake of the obesity epidemic, we’ve got a diabetes epidemic,”

One death every 90 minutes, 16 deaths every day.

How to stop diabetes
Spirit Happy Diet is the number one reverse diabetes diet in over 17 countries because we revealed over 5 years ago that high blood sugar is reversible, it is a lifestyle illness that can be reversed naturally. You must want to do this; if you are willing you can reverse the illness. Switching to Splenda and Diet soda is not going to cut it, those artificial sweeteners are poisons that can make blood sugar worst and we have reported on this on this site.  The Spirit Happy Diet has reversed Type 2 diabetes in 17 countries without drugs

Diabetes drug side effect “Death” but FDA may still bring it back

In an amazing turn around the deadly diabetes drug Avandia may be making a come back, the drug which is banned in Europe and seriously restricted in the United States may be back on the market soon. When it comes to Big Pharma the sole purpose is profit, they will literally risk your life for another billion dollar drug and the FDA may be the silent partner in the deal. If your doctor tries to prescribe you Avandia fire him, this is a drug that destroys the heart valve, it has been shown to cause heart attacks,stroke and death, this is why it is banned in Europe and "restricted" in the USA.

Why would the FDA bring back Avandia?

Avandia made Glaxo Smith Kline over 4.5 billion dollars a year, since the ban, they have lost a considerable amount of money off this drug. How big is this drug company? Pharmaceutical giant Glaxo Smith Kline reported total sales of $44 billion for 2011 and generated a net profit of nearly $9 billion.

GlaxoSmithKline (NYSE: GSK) is based in the United Kingdom and has North American headquarters in Research Triangle Park, they also make drugs for high cholesterol and other illnesses. If you have high blood sugar you should be aware that this illness can be reversed naturally and drug free, any doctor would admit this if you only asked them.

Avandia deaths

A study in 2007 has been widely cited as finding Avandia may increase the risk of heart attack by as much as 43% relatively The drug is controversial and is estimated to have caused 83,000 heart attacks in the United States alone. Thousands of death may have been the result of Avandia, Glaxo Smith Kine agreed to payback 90 million dollars in a U.S settlement, average person who suffered heart attack or stroke was given 50,000 dollars. The families of the deceased received about 60 thousand.

Doctors outraged that the FDA would bring back the drug.

It’s turning back the clock,” said Dr. Clifford J. Rosen, director of clinical and translational medicine at the Maine Medical Center in Portland, who led the advisory committee on the drug in 2007. “I have no idea why they would revisit this issue. It’s a done deal.”

It is important to never trust the FDA, many feel that the agency receives under the table money from the billion dollar drug companies in exchange for drug approvals. The fact that doctors are shocked that Avandia may be “approved” should alert you that something is wrong. Enough money will get any drug approved in the United States, someone will always receive a payoff in exchange for an approval.
Spirit Happy has shown people who to reverse type 2 diabetes in now over 17 countries, why not fire the drug makers and shut the door on their profits!
See here An insulin resistant diet reverses diabetes naturally without drugs

A Doctor exposes how a Diabetes drug is worst than the illness

It is rare in the world of big pharmacy and the medical industry to find a person who is willing to speak out on the dangers of diabetic drugs, but that is exactly what has happened in California. Dr. Butler, the chairman of endocrinology at the University of California, Los Angeles has discovered that a diabetic drug Januvia caused cancer in an an alarming number of tested animals. The story which broke in the New York Times revealed just how dangerous diabetic medications can be, in fact, most people with Type 2 diabetes don't need medications to reverse the illness.

The risk of using diabetic medications

Over the past 5 years there have been thousands of lawsuits filed due to deaths,heart attack,stroke and cancer from the use of diabetic medications, in fact, diabetic medications which bring in over $15 billion dollars in profit yearly to drug-makers are among the most dangerous. The danger of diabetic medications have a long history, Avandia which was a 5 billion dollar yearly profit drug for Glaxo Smith Kline was eventually banned in Europe due to thousands of heart attacks and numerous of deaths. GSK have paid back millions to families due to lawsuits.

The diabetic medication Actos was recently linked to the spontaneous outbreak of cancers in hundreds of people, the drug is now labeled with a black box warning of possible heart attack from using the drug. Actos which is in the same class of medication as Avandia has also been linked to heart attack, swollen legs and stroke.

The New kid on the block causing Cancer

Dr Butler of UCLA was approached to “push” the Januvia to patients, this is how the drug business works in the United States, the drug-makers give the doctors “Gifts” for writing a certain number of prescriptions, Dr Butler was not interested in the “gifts” but decided to did test the medication on lab animals, and what he discovered was shocking. Dr. Butler found worrisome changes in the pancreases of the rats that could lead to pancreatic cancer. The Billion dollar drug-maker is of-course sending rich lawyers to fight the doctor and his results. The drug-maker will not allow anything to stand in the way of there billion dollar profits, the lawyers will fight every study to keep the money train running.

Diabetes is a billion dollar business and the drug makers are in this for billions but you can be free from the lying drug-makers,over 85% of the drug-makers profits are from those with type 2 diabetes, this is an illness that is reversible without drugs, an insulin resistance diet can and did reverse diabetes in over 17 countries drug free See here  Diabeteswithout medication

Fake Sugar in the diet used by food makers to get you addicted

The Food making business is dirty and ruthless, the food makers add sugar to the diet in just enough quantities to cause an addiction. What is even more alarming is that the kind of sugars that they are using in not “real sugars” at all but a processed syrup version linked to obesity and even cancer. Sugar in the diet is a controversial subject because the humble sweetener that was on your grandma’s kitchen table is not the same thing added to the foods in your supermarket

The not so Sweet truth

The sugars that are added to the food today are actually high fructose corn syrups(not the normal white power you grew up with), check the labels of any product today and you will find HFCS, the makers want you to believe it is the sweetener on your grandma's kitchen table but it is a whole different product, it is produced in a laboratory and is dangerously addictive. The food makers loves this produce because it is addictive and you of-course buy more. The food game is all about money not nutrition, just like the street drug dealer selling crack the supermarkets are doing the same thing with food drugs. This is a dirty business and better stop your food drug addiction.

There are practically no foods on the market today that do not add High Fructose Corn Syrup, like crack it is cheap and addictive, unlike crack it causes obesity and cancer. 

See Below: This is NOT table Grandmas's table sugar

Sugar in the Diet: HFCS is not the same sweetener as table sugar! To add to the confusion the makers of HFCS wanted there product to be called “sugars” to fool the public, the FDA stopped this from happening.

Think about this for a minute: Without the public knowing the makers of HFCS tried to fool you into thinking it is the same thing as the sugars we grew up with, the FDA 

"What's going on here is basically a con game to suggest otherwise," .Dan Callister, a lawyer for the Sugar Association

"What do con men do? They normally try to change their name. The FDA has thankfully stopped that."Callister said

If you are overeating Spirit Happy has shown people for 5 years in 17 different countries that the food makers are purposely making you fat!  

You probably don't know it but most people today have food addictions, we are addicted to sugars,salts, and all kinds of foods but it is not your fault. The food game is a war for billions of dollars and if you believe that the food makers would care about your being addicted to the product you are very naive.

They want you drugged so they maker many more billions. Artificial sweeteners like Splenda,Equal and Sweet and low are worst, and should never be consumed. What you want to do is break the sugar in the diet addiction and use real sugar responsibly. .

It is a war for your body, HFSC causes aging and cancer, it literally changes the cells of the body to cancerous. Over 1,000 people broke their sugar in the diet addiction and lose 25 pounds in one month 

Diabetes deadly drug Avandia and the FDA's con game

The Diabetes drug Avandia responsible for many deaths caused a major stir in 2010 when the Food and Drug Administration after long protest from victims restricted the diabetic drug. As far back as 2007 the risk from heart attack from the medication was known by the medical establishment yet the drug continued to sell and bring in over 4 Billion dollars a year. Yes..4 billion dollars a year for a drug that caused heart attacks and death.

The long history of Glaxo Smith Kline's drug

The diabetic drug Avandia was known as a “Blockbuster” drug due to the fact that it profited Glaxo 4 billion dollars a year, there was a major problem though, people were dying from heart disease and their families were told that the deaths were diabetic complication related “not” drug related but was this really the case?

How many heart attacks and deaths?

Dr. David Graham, is an FDA scientist who wanted the pill banned. As many as 100,000 heart attacks, strokes, deaths and cases of heart failure may be due to Avandia since it came on the market in 1999, Graham said. Harms from Avandia are great enough to "put you in a hospital or in a cemetery," he said.

Here we have the FDA's lead scientist telling us that the drug causes death but money is at stake here
Glaxo lost a 4 Billion dollar profit drug,  in an amazing turn around the FDA  stated yesterday that they are considering bring back Avandia! Glaxo has already admitted to hiding the dangerous of the drug yet the FDA is seeking to return into the stomachs of diabetics. 

Steven E. Nissen, chairman of cardiovascular medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, who raised the drug's heart-attack issue beginning in 2007.
He said he is "surprised that the FDA would want to revisit" Avandia at the hearing

Please understand the diabetic drug-makers are in this for straight profit nothing less, they don't care about you

Spirit Happy has exposed Avandia and all Type 2 diabetes drugs has far back as 4 years ago, there is no safe Type 2 diabetes drug, what is even more important is that no one needs a drug for Type 2 diabetes

The Spirit Happy Diet has reversed diabetes and obesity in people without diabetes for over 4 years, diabetics get a normal and safe blood sugar level by healing the body of food chemicals. The diet is currently used in over 17 countries See here SpiritHappy Diet

Dieting but still fat: What's in the food?

There are many in United States, Australia and much of Europe dieting but still fat, there is a very good reason for this dilemma and it goes way beyond calorie counting. The food has changed in the Western hemisphere, much of the food today causes weight gain, this is due to dangerous food chemicals that have been approved for you to eat. If you are dieting but still fat you may want to know what they are putting in your food.

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) Foods

GMO food look like the real thing and maybe even taste like the real thing but there is a problem, it is not the real thing. What some food makers have done is to change the genetics of the food to produce a larger supply, in other words we get more food than we normally would yield from the crop. A perfect example of this would be a larger yield of corn,fish,tomatoes etc. The GMO makers say, this is great, it means more food for everyone but the reality is clear that messing with nature brings dangerous results. If you are dieting and still fat GMO foods may be a part of the problem as these foods may alter your DNA.

What doctors reveal about fake food

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM (genetically modified) foods when possible and provide educational materials concerning GM foods and health risks

They conclude, “There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation,”as defined by recognized scientific criteria. “The strength of association and consistency between GM foods and disease is confirmed in several animal studies.”

The link to illness goes deeper than you could ever imagine because science has shown that GMO foods not only effects your DNA but the effects are passed to the offspring.

When male rats were fed GMO soy, their testicles changed from the normal pink to dark blue, the sperm quality was deeply effected as well, this was then transferred to their offspring. What we are seeing is that the children are effected when the parent ingest foods that have been genetically altered. Mice fed GM corn in an Austrian government study had fewer babies, which were also smaller than normal. The development of the offspring was altered in the womb.

How do they make this poison?

Genetic engineers began creating artificial gene combinations by splicing genetic material from bacteria, viruses, and other organisms and forcibly (unlike nature) injecting them into plant genomes to create GMO foods, the most famous was Frankenfish, the salmon that was “Created in a lab”. The food and drug administration has a job to protect you from dangerous medication but they rely on the food maker to show the food is safe. Th billions of dollars that the food makers want leads to hidden safety reports and altered safety result. They get rich and you are the test animal.

We don’t have to tell you :

To make matters worst the law says the food makers do not have to tell you the food is fake on the label.

Bill Freese, a science policy analyst with the Center for Food Safety, says it may be too late, the fake food is already mixed with the real food.

The trouble is we don't have controls. We don't know what we're eating because we don't have labeling, so it's all just sort of a crap-shoot," says Freese. "The GM corn is mixed in with regular corn, and then it enters the food supply. It's really impossible to trace the impacts."

Spirit Happy is now in its 5th year of exposing the causes of diabetes and obesity. It is not about the calories as much as it is about the chemicals. The diabetes crisis and the reason people cannot lose weight are due to food chemicals. Low calories are not enough anymore, dieting and still fat is the result of a polluted food supply. Your diet must reverse the damage from food chemicals,then the weight comes off, the insulin resistance is reversed and you lose the weight.

The number one insulin resistance diet in 17 countries See here Spirit Happy Diet

Low calories diet and still fat

Dieting with low calories and still fat: This is the situation many people find themselves in and there is good reason, obesity is caused by insulin resistance not just calories. The difference between calories and insulin resistance is night and day. We have been sold a lie by the food makers, the low cal phenomena has lead to the largest increase in weight in Western History. Low calories and still fat is the condition many people find themselves in.

Insulin resistance and why you cannot lose wight

We have become a Nation of insulin resistance people, we have weak insulin and too much glucose in our bloodstream, this is why belly fat does not go away.

Glucose is normally a good thing, it give you energy and it does your cells good. When all is well glucose is running the show quite well, when there is too much glucose “Insulin comes in and removes the excess glucose.

It is a great relationship a power house of Glucose that leaves when insulin says the fun is over.

What went wrong?   We have become a nation of people who have a run a way glucose that does not listen to insulin anymore. The cells of the people have become insulin resistant and this causes diabetes and obesity, we have excess glucose in our bloodstream and we cannot lose weight. Low calories and still fat is what your results will be if you concentration only on a calorie. All calories are not equal, this is something that most people never understand. Just because it is low cal does not mean that it is healthy. In fact, many low cal foods are far from healthy. The food makers have pulled off a billion dollar con game that concentrates on low calories as we stay fat. Reverse your insulin resistance cells and the weight melts off.

The number one insulin resistance diet in 17 countries See here Spirit Happy Diet

French researchers now confirm Spirit Happy Diet is right about diet soda

The Spirit Happy diet site received a lot of backlash 4 years ago when we showed that diet soda actually causes weight gain not weight loss. The Diet soda makers fought the story and now a new study from France which was published in the New York Daily News today concludes that diet soda indeed does cause weight gain and doubles the risk of diabetes. We at Spirit Happy diet reported on chemicals in diet soda many years ago

Why you are not losing weight

The reason you are not losing weight while dieting is due to the food chemicals that have been allowed by the FDA. We have feed ourselves and our children dangerous poisons and the obesity rates prove it. The diet soda makers have profited over 1 billion dollars each year for over 25 years and the poison fluid is still popularly consumed by over 200 million people world wide. A diet soda has never caused weight loss and it simply cannot cause weight loss. Sadly people think they are making a healthy choice when they order a diet soda. Each can contains a dangerous chemical called aspartame, this chemical causes headaches, body ache and is also addictive.

Aspartame and weight gain

Diet soda chemicals actually cause the cells of the body to change, the body will hold fat mainly around the waist, it also changes healthy cells to cancerous cells over time. We reported on this in studies just about 4 years ago. Today the New York Daily News reported on the weight gain from diet soda

Diet sodas raise risk of type 2 diabetes MORE than those sweetened with real sugar: study

Surprising research from France found that diabetes risk increased by about a third for women who drank diet sodas, as compared to regular soda and fruit juice drinkers.

The researchers quote below

"Contrary to conventional thinking, the risk of diabetes is higher with 'light' beverages compared with 'regular' sweetened drinks," the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) said.

"We cannot rule out that factors other than ASB (artificially sweetened beverages)... are responsible for the association with diabetes."

The reason you cannot lose weight is due to insulin resistance from the garbage food today, we all have been poisoned, this is why diets fail and you do not lose weight. It is almost impossible to lose and keep weight off for good today because of food chemicals that are in almost everything you eat. This is why we have children with adult diabetes. We are a Nation of insulin resistance people, insulin resistance cells make you fat!

What we have done for over 4 years is to spread the word about the lying food industry which has caused the obesity and diabetes crisis. We have exposed the diabetes drug makers who make billions while curing no one. Do not rely on the Food and Drug Administration to protect you...they will not.

Spirit Happy insulin resistance diet has been used in over 18 countries for ALL people to lose weight, created for diabetics researchers showed that ALL people lose weight on the diet because it reversed the damage of food chemicals and reversed insulin resistance. We have shown this now in 18 countries. Today's New York Daily News says researchers were “Shocked” about diet soda. The would not have been “shocked” had they read Spirit Happy website over the last 4 years.

SEE HERE  Reverse Insulin resiistance lose weight

The drugging of the children as diabetes drug makers target kids

With the incredible rise in childhood diabetes and obesity the drug makers are profiting a comfortable 15 billion a year but now they have set their sights on the child as well. The plan is to get an overweight child on the drugs as quickly as possible, this will increase their profits by another 2 billion dollars a year. Diabetes is the most damaging illness in the world today, there is no other disease in the world that is effecting so many different people in so many different countries.

Giving the dangerous diabetes drugs to children

Spirit Happy is the number one site on the internet that exposes the lies of the diabetes drug makers. Diabetes drugs are not safe, they all ruin the heart muscle. Diabetic drugs destroy the heart valve which over time can lead to heart attack and stroke, we have seen this with the drug Avandia ( heart attacks and death) Actos ( heart attacks and cancer), many believe that Metformin is a safe high blood sugar drug and this is simply not true. Just because a drug is described as a safer alternative does not mean that it is safe.  Metformin causes the cells of the body to lose valuable vitamin b12, this is dangerous for a diabetic who desperately needs the proper balance of this B vitamin for proper cell function.

There is a dangerous trend developing in regards to diabetic medications, with increasing numbers of children  now effected with the adult form of diabetes the drug companies are suggesting starting the children on the adult drugs early. There are new Pediatrics guidelines to treat children because we are seeing the horrible rise of an adult illness( type 2) in children, this is led by Big Pharma. The medical established defended the move to put children on the drugs because doctors could not handle all the new cases of children with adult diabetes.

The guidelines, then, are intended to help primary care physicians who find themselves "unequipped to treat adult diseases encountered in children," according to the authors of the technical report that accompanies the guidelines, led by epidemiologist and neonatologist Dr. Shelley C. Springer of Big Lake, Minn. (Pediatrics 2013 Jan. 28)

How come these doctors are not aware that Type 2 diabetes is reversible? 

The doctors are finding it difficult to treat the adult form of diabetes in children, the use of adult drugs are in the new guidelines and is is a scary sign of a growing crisis in the children. The crisis in diabetes is now effecting children as young as 10 year old, every child even those without diabetes should be on a diabetic diet. We showed in Europe in 2010 that everyone should be on a diabetic diet to protect themselves from the growing obesity and diabetic crisis, why  start your children on these very dangerous drugs.  What will the drugs do to a growing child when these pills are causing heart problems in adult? As the crisis gets worst the drug-makers are  drooling over making another billion dollars off our children, protect yourself from diabetes and the drug-makers drugs. 

See here: The only diet shown to reverse diabetes in 17 countries Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Diabetes drug causes death and now they want another pill approved

Spirit Happy has reported on the shady practices of Glaxo Smith Kline for many years. As far back as 2008 we reported that their drug Avandia would cause heart attacks and that is exactly what the drug did. Unfortunately this has not stopped them from seeking another Billion dollar profit drug for diabetes. They refuse to stop making diabetic drugs because it profits them over 4 Billion dollars a year.

Here is their History in Diabetes drugs

  1. Glaxo was ordered to pay 90 million dollars in the Unites States for the heart attacks and deaths related to their drug Avandia. We warned the public but few listened back in 2009, we told the public that very few people need a drug Type 2 diabetes, it can be reversed naturally. We informed the public that Avandia, Actos, and other high blood sugar medications were all dangerous drugs that destroyed the heart valve. The drug maker simply lie and they do it because the billions are too great a temptation for them. They simply want the money at any cost, even death to the person taking the drugs.

    1. 90 million is a low settlement seeing as the drug profited over 5 Billion dollars each year for 5 years. Each family victimized is reported to receive 53 thousand dollars. In addition the drug maker makes much more money on stocks once the drugs receive approval. When a diabetic drug is approved the company's stocks fly up because it means millions in straight profit. This is the billion dollar big money game in pharmaceutical drugs.

    2. The story about Glaxo gets sicker as they were also found guilty of fraud, a 9 year investigation showed that the company lied to the public and hide information that the diabetes drug and other drugs they made were dangerous. They bribed doctors to promote their drugs. Did you know doctors get cash and vacations for prescribing a certain number of drugs? Glaxo sales reps lied and told doctors that the drug Avandia would even help the heart( while the drug really causes heart attacks) Drug companies have sales people who push the drugs on the doctors( Legal street drugs are not the only dirty drug game, prescription drugs may be more dirty)

    3. Glaxo salesmen get commissions( $) based on how many doctors they can get to prescribe the drug
    4. Glaxo was found guilty of hiding the heart attack risks from the FDA.
    5. Glaxo moved the dirty operation and had the drugss made in  factories in Puerto Rico to save tax dollars. What a shame.

These are the things they were found guilty of, this is not just an opinion, they admitted lying and hiding the truth and they pleaded guilty to all the charges above.

In total Glaxo has paid back the largest suit in US drug history 5 billion dollars, yet Glaxo profited over 20 billion dollars in 5 years from the diabetes drug

The drug business is a dirty business operated for huge profits.

In an amazing development Glaxo filed to the FDA to have a new diabetes drug approved and they have been approved last week!

The USA reported the story

GSK Diabetes Drug Receives FDA Approval As Initial Therapy

and here is the statement for Glaxo's spokesperson

"GlaxoSmithKline is committed to developing diabetes therapies to treat a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and throughout the world," said Anne Phillips, vice president of Clinical for North America Cardiovascular-Metabolic at GSK,

What hypocrisy, they have admitted lying and defrauding the diabetic yet they say they are committed to helping the diabetic. . They caused deaths which no settlement could ever make up for. Glaxo stocks went up 1.6 % after the settlement and the stockholders were said to be "happy"  that they did not lose their investments in the company.

Diabetes for them is a stock market game with billions dollar of dollars at stake. Their executives make more money than the average person will ever see. Ask your doctor if type 2 diabetes can be reversed without drugs and he will inform you that it can. The drugs are part of a billion dollar con game.

There is no need for a drug to reverse Type 2 Diabetes, a diet has been reversing diabetes drug free in over 17 countries See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet

My child has high blood sugar diabetes

“My child has high blood sugar” was our latest email from a mother who was wondering what to do about this very serious problem. A 10 year old girl is now one of the many children living with the adult form of type 2 diabetes, this is an astonishing and growing trend. Spirit Happy has fought with the FDA and drugmakers over the growing diabetic crisis. If you are one of the many parents saying “My child has high blood sugar” please do not ignore this very important warning.

Why children have become the new adult diabetics

When an adult illness has started to effect children it is a awake up call that something is seriously wrong. What is the root cause of the issue? The answer is simply the food, type 2 diabetes is largely a lifestyle disease and this is where the problem must be addressed. A diet of too much sugar or fat can contribute to illness but do not believe for a second the worldwide outbreak of high glucose across the United States, Europe and Australia is simply from consuming excessive amounts of sugar and fat. Do not believe millions of children across the globe simply sat in McDonald's and "gave themselves" type 2 diabetes. If you are one of the many saying “My child has high blood sugar” Understand that the children have been legally poisoned. There are poisons in the food like high fructose corn syrup, which creates diabetic high glucose. The substance HFCS is added to almost every single product in the United States, Europe, and Australia. The FDA refuses to remove it, claiming they need more proof it is killing you and your child.

High fructose corn syrup is a poison and is in almost every food on the market today, it is just one of tons of chemicals that did not exist in our food just 40 years ago, that was also a time when we had almost no children with type 2 diabetes. If you were a child with type 2 diabetes 40 years ago you may have made headline news because it was so very rare. Today, it is common and there is a price to pay, kidney disease, leg amputations, early heart disease are just some of the complications of high glucose in the bloodstream. We are seeing 12 year old kids with the beginning of adult heart disease.

Fat and sugar abuses are not new but we have never had an epidemic of Type 2 diabetes in the child as we have today. The FDA and food drug makers (Yes..we have food drug makers)  want you to believe that  it is the natural sugar and fat causing the diabetic crisis because this hides the true cause of the problem which are their chemicals in the food. What has happened?  Fake fats, Fake sugars, and other chemicals called “natural” have caused the outbreak of adult illnesses to affect children.

The labels on food use to be so simple just 40 years ago. Sugar, Milk, Butter but we have a different situation today, you would need a degree in chemical chemistry to understand the labels today. Do not rely on the FDA to protect you, they all get rich  when the food chemicals are approved by the FDA. Have they poisoned you? If you are also saying “ my child has high blood sugar diabetes” What did they put in your child’s food.  Reverse Adult and Children's high blood sugar diet now used in 18 countries drug free
SEE  HERE Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Can I manage diabetes without drugs? The danger of diabetic drugs

Can I manage diabetes without drugs was a question from one of our many readers. It is very important that you understand how dangerous diabetic medications are and how they ruin the body. Diabetes is growing fast; it is a very destructive illness that destroys the cells of the body but the diabetic meds may be worst than the illness. Can I manage diabetes without drugs is an excellent question and we hope to set the record straight in this post.

Death from Medication

The primary recent that many are seeking to handle the illness without the use of medications is due to the fact that diabetic medications can and have been doing some very horrible things to the body. The popular high blood sugar medication called Avandia made the drug maker Glaxo Smith Kline 5 Billion dollars each year. The drug was called safe by the FDA but this was a lie. The drug did something very horrible over time. It ruined the heart value and caused heart failure and death. The drug had done this for many years before the FDA finally stepped in. Never trust a high blood sugar medication. Can I manage diabetes without drugs? Here is more on what the drug makers did.  

There were many reports that the drug makers hid from the public that the medication ruined the heart even though people were dying. This is amazing.  Finally, Glaxo was ordered to pay back 3 Billion dollars in damage to the families that lost their loved ones to death or heart failure and they even admitted fraud. This was reported worldwide, yet the average diabetic probably has no clue about the fraud

Below from the New York Daily News

GlaxoSmithKline to pay $3 billion in fines, the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history 

The Justice Department said that British drugmaker will plead guilty to promoting popular antidepressants Paxil and Wellbutrin for unapproved uses. The company also will plead guilty to failing to report to the government for seven years some safety problems with diabetes drug Avandia, which was restricted in the U.S. and banned in Europe after it was found in 2007 to sharply increase the risks of heart attacks and congestive heart failure.

Yes… they lied and hide that fact that “you... "simply trying to lower your blood sugar"... was ripping your heart a part. Sadly people still swallow these dangerous blood sugar pills. Actos, GlimmerPride, and yes Metformin (called the safer diabetic medication but not safe at all)

Spirit Happy has reported on the dangerous of diabetes medications for over 5 years. We were first ignored and now we are read in over 18 countries because we showed people how to reverse Type 2 diabetes and how to lose weight with a specialized diabetes diet drug free.  Diabetes drugs are big business. Can Billions of dollars are made once the drug is approved by the FDA.  They don’t care about your high blood sugar; they want the FDA approval and laugh all the way to the bank. The money they paid back 3 Billion is NOTHING compared to the 100 Billion$$$$ they profited on the drugs.  Can I manage diabetes without drugs? We cannot tell you to stop drugs but we can present the evidence that the illness is reversible drug free.

We exposed the Druggies even back in 2010 and 2011 before the FDA finally listened, you can reverse this illness drug free as people have done in 17 countries with an Insulin Resistant Diet

See here Type2 Diabetes Diet