I have high blood sugar what should I eat

A question from one of our readers “I have high blood sugar what should I eat” is actually a very important issue that can cause a lot of confusion. Most diabetics are really unclear on what is the best diet plan to follow. The problem is due to the fact that there are still many myths surrounding the illness.  I have high blood sugar what should I eat is the question so lets take a look at a common sweetener used by diabetics and dieters, Splenda

Myths and hype

One of the myths surrounding high glucose involves the use of sugar; the vilification of sugar has allowed the artificial sweetener industry a very easy road to promote their dangerous and un-natural product to millions of people.  Sugar in moderation is natural and better than any artificial sweetener. Is Splenda really natural and safe? The truth of the matter is Splenda can make you fatter. This is the result of a study at the well respected University of Duke in the United States

How Splenda makes you fat

The body operates on balance. When you are in good health your blood pressure, cells, gut bacteria’s all operate in perfect balance. They go up and down and regulate the system. This is where we will focus on Splenda.  Duke University researchers found out that the artificial sweetener reduced the amount of gut bacteria by up to 50%, this is very scary because this gut bacteria is very important if you want to stay thin.

I have high blood sugar what should I eat? The study showed that Splenda lead to weight gain

Read below

The study, which was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, provides "evidence that, in the animals studied, Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%, increases the pH level in the intestines, contributes to increases in body weight and affects the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the body in such a way that crucial health-related drugs could be rejected,"

How much Splenda caused this? It was the equivalent of 7 packets. Over time and daily use this could have extreme consequences’ on ones health and weight.  Has diet soda every caused anyone to lose weight? Think about that

The Spirit Happy site has shown that when you heal the body of processed foods the poison high blood sugar goes away and you balance the body. No more diabetes and weight issues.  Avoid the artificial and heal! I have high blood sugar what should I eat was a great question but know is your turn to do something about it. An insulin resistance diet has reversed diabetes in over 17 countries naturally, this simply works. 

Click here  Type2 Diabetes Diet

I have Pre diabetes why this is your warning

I have pre diabetes what should I do now ? This is the situation for over 70 million in the United States. We are experiencing a tremendous number of people who are on the borderline of the worst illness in the world today. This is not something you want to live with, the illness is a very serious destroyer of your body and leads to serious health problems. I have Pre diabetes is becoming a very common statement for those living in the West.

The beginning of health complications

I you are pre diabetic it is a warning that the pancreas is losing the fight against the damaging effects of blood sugar. High blood sugar is a enemy to the cells of your body, it is important to remove this excess blood glucose or you are on the road to big problems. Excess glucose causes your cells to become resistant to the insulin. Insulin is your friend, it is trying to remove the excess glucose and save your cells but the cells no longer response to the insulin. This is what is happening your body. The consequences are blindness, foot amputations, heart disease and kidney failure. It even gets worst. “I have pre diabetes” If this is what you are saying it means that your pancreas is losing the fight

It is important to get healthy now, it is important to remove the excess sugar with diet. Unfortunately most diabetic diets do nothing to reverse the illness. A sugar free diet cannot and will never reverse the damaging effects of the glucose. A sugar free diet is a good start but it will not take the poison high glucose out the body. Each day the diabetic waits more damage is done to the cells of the body and the complications get worst. This is not a small illness, it is a devastating disease. If you are one of the million saying “I have pre diabetes” is a message to do something.  An insulin resistance diet has reversed diabetes naturally in over 17 countries drug free, this simply works to reverse the illness. 

Is it diabetes? How to know

Is it diabetes? With so many millions of people battling high blood sugar, many are wondering are they latest victims of this deadly illness. The disease is spreading in the United States and worldwide at a record rate. Are you one of the new victims of the illness, this is a good question because the damage from high blood sugar can be deadly. Is it diabetes? There are ways you can find out

70 million Pre diabetic

Being Pre diabetic means that your sugar level is on the borderline of high. What this means is that your pancreas is losing the battle against sugar in your bloodstream. The more common signs of diabetes is numbness in hands and feet, excessive thirst,fatigue or dizziness. There are many more symptoms but these are most common. High Blood sugar is a very danger thing to the nerves of the body , when left unchecked the damage becomes worst to your organs. Nerve damage is also a complication of high blood sugar. No matter how you look at high glucose it is a danger to the body. Is it diabetes? The rate of the illness is spreading amongst the young and old. Children are now suffering from adult onset high glucose, 26 million people in the USA have high blood sugar and more people are becoming effected. You may have the illness.

A diabetic diet for everyone

Doctors in Switzerland suggested that a diabetic diet will soon be necessary for all people. This is the greatest protect from the illness. The advantages of a diabetic diet are many, here are just a few that our users experience

A reversal of high blood sugar. Getting this poison high level of blood sugar out of your system is critical.

Another advantage is fast fat loss. Only a diabetic diet causes belly fat loss, this is because healthy insulin is what really promotes a flat stomach.

Protect against the coming wave of high blood sugar. Teen and children are experiencing diabetes at a record level, this is happening because of food chemicals and processed foods.

These are just some of the benefits of a diabetic diet. A diabetic diet is for people with and without diabetes. Is it diabetes? It might be

17 countries have chosen The Spirit Happy Diet to lose weight and make diabetes go away
 See here  Type 2 Diabetes Diet

I can't lose weight: Why it may not be your fault

The numbers of people saying “ I can't lose wight” has increased greatly over the past 30 years. In the United States there is an obesity epidemic. This is a very serious problem and it will mean very serious health problems for millions. When a 16 year old girl is over 250 pounds and only 5 feet 4 something is wrong. I can't lose weight is what a teenager recently told her doctor after her diagnosis with Pre diabetes. Young people are carrying  fat that was unheard of 40 years ago.

Diets are not working

There are more people dieting than at anytime in the history of the United States, but something is wrong. What is causing teens and adults to blow up like balloons? Why are children now affected with adult diabetes type 2? This is not a result of McDonald's; there is a more serious problem in this country. The problem is also affecting many in the United Kingdom. England has a type 2 diabetes and obesity crisis as well. Did you ever think that maybe it is the food? the food today is not the same as it was 40 years ago. What is approved by the FDA in the meat,poultry and dairy was not around in the 1950's. I cant' lose weight is a cry of desperation from people who have been poisoned by the current processed foods.

Over 70 million with Pre diabetes.This is the new normal

Over 70 million Americans will be Pre diabetic within the next decade. This will mean leg amputations , heart disease and diabetic blindness.The only way to truly lose the weight was shown in Berlin. A diabetic diet from Spirit Happy caused weight loss in people with or without diabetes. Why? Because it healed the body of the years of processed foods. Doctor Lieber in Australia recommended a diabetic diet for ALL people and sited it as the “only way” to really drop fat of the body. We are not speaking of a simple sugar free diet but a healing specialized diet that causes the body to drop the weight. I can't lose weight?

Diabetes not Overweight: Confused about weight

If you have diabetes and are not overweight or fat you are not alone. There are may who suffering from high blood sugar and have no obesity problem, they are thin. This is a situation that has confused science for a long time. In fact many are not diagnosed with type 2 until it is too late because doctors did not think to check. You can have diabetes and not be overweight, this is a medical fact and it eliminates a lot of stereotypes.

The Thin and Skinny Type 2 Diabetic

We are more familiar with the fat diabetic, this is a person who has insulin resistant cells that ignore insulin's attempts to remove sugar from the bloodstream. When sugar is allowed to sit in the bloodstream for a long time it causes serious damages to the cells of the body. This is why diabetics can go blind or often may need to have a limb removed, it is from the damaging affects of the blood sugar. People who carry a lot of fat often have this problem, the fat contributes to the cells becoming insulin resistant.

But why does this happen to the thin person. We are seeing more and more people who have diabetes and are not overweight. We will explain

The Type 2 diabetic without the weight problem

There are many factors that contribute to diabetic high blood sugar. Genetics can set you up for diabetes even if you are thin. Studies show that genetics are more a factor in becoming insulin resistant than being overweight. If your parents have diabetes you are more susceptible to get the illness.

The number one cause: The main cause of high blood sugar today is the food, we are not speaking of sugar or fat but of food chemicals. This is the main cause of the diabetic explosion, thin and heavy alike are all being effected by the food. A sugar free diet will not reverse diabetes. This is a deadly illness that must be attacked right back in order to save the body. An insulin resistance Diet reverses this illness, this has worked in over 17 countries. This is the permanent natural solution to lose the excess weight. 

What Diet should a Diabetic follow?

If you are asking what diet should a diabetic follow it is important to know the the facts. First, there are many diets to choose from but most will not work to reverse blood sugar. We will go more into this a little later in the post. High blood sugar is not an illness to play around with, it effects every cell of the body. What diet should a diabetic follow should never be a causal question; it is extremely serious. This is a question of saving your body or losing it.

What is happening in your body

A person with high blood sugar has a daily battle against poison in the bloodstream.
An elevated constant level of glucose wreaks havoc on the cells of the body. It is important to dump this excess glucose out of the blood. Living with this causes deep complications to the body. Living with high blood sugar is the cause of major complications like diabetic ulcers,diabetic stroke and more. When you are asking what diet should a diabetic follow this is a very serious question. A causal approach to diabetes must be abandon, action is required.

The failure of the Typical diabetes diet

With the usual American Diabetes Association diet recommendations diabetes has increased in the last 20 years. It is clear that the standard sugar free diet has been a complete failure. A Diet Coke and a salad is not going to stop a punishing illness like high glucose which invades every cell of the body. Diabetic blindness has doubled in the last 10 years and a diet Coke won't stop this. What diet should a diabetic follow? Only a healing diet that can reveres the cell damage and heal the pancreas. How many diets can do this? Almost none. The Spirit Happy Diet is the most popular natural diabetes diet since 2008 because it works. It heals the body and this is what the other diets will not do. You only get on body and one pancreas get the high glucose out of your blood stream.  Have a Great Day

*The Spirit Happy diet is the most popular natural diabetes diet in 17 countries*
Click here  Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Is Low Carb diet good for you and me? There is a better choice

Is a Low Carb diet good? Is a question that many ask due to Dr. Atkins(he made low carbohydrates popular) It is important to understand exactly what this kind of diet can do to the body and how it effects the heart. At Spirit Happy Diet we encourage people to do what is best for the body from a holistic approach. Is a Low Carb diet good for you and me? listen to what the researchers have said.

A fad diet is a fad diet

When Dr. Atkins died on a New York City street it was reported that he had died from a heart attack. The official reason for the death of the doctor has been from a fall and hitting his head but many state that he definitely had a heart attack. If you are interested in low carbohydrates as a way to lose weight you must know that this can play be playing a deadly game with your heart.

New information released this week on the dangers of a Low Carbohydrate diet. This information is usually only of interest to doctors and nutritionist but Spirit Happy Diet believes in informing our thousands of readers to what is really happening with your health.

Here is the latest information

Diabetic ketoacidosis complications emerge when the pancreas decreases production of insulin, because the body has no carbohydrates to turn into glucose, and switches to burning fatty acids that produce acidic ketone bodies that cause the symptoms and complications of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Basically the body will produce LESS insulin and this is exactly what you don't want if you want to lose weight or reverse diabetes. This effects those with and without diabetes. Is a Low Carb diet healthy? Do not believe the hype, you will strain your body if you do not get enough Carbohydrates.
Here are the symptoms
Labored breathing, confusion, vomiting and dehydration are typical symptoms of  Diabetic ketoacidosis, and if left untreated, coma and even death can ensue.

Most on low carbs do not realize the metabolic damage that they are doing to themselves. The Spirit Happy Diet is the most popular Europe diet because we HEAL the body and the weight drops off fast.  This is what Atkins,Weight Watchers and the rest can never do, they have no healing in them.  Don't fall for the carbohydrates are bad trick. Your heart will thank you.  An insulin resistant diet causes permanent weight loss in people with or without diabetes 

See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet

My Child has diabetes: What to do about a national problem

My Child has diabetes was what one mother said as she tried to help him catch his breath after the boy had passed out. We are seeing the beginning of a very serious crisis in children., the rise of type 2 diabetes. This was once an illness that primarily affected adults but this has changed due to the food processing of today. If you are saying “my child has diabetes” it is very important to know that the illness wrecks havoc on the Kidneys and Liver of these young people. In fact, it does the same thing to adults but the children have less of a defense.

An adult problem comes to children

Adult onset diabetes is no longer for adult only. The children have been affected by the illness is a huge way. Dr. Fran Cogan of the Children Medical Center Diabetes Division reported on the horrible crisis. High blood sugar is the greatest threat to the health of people today. It is important to protect your child. High blood sugar leads to kidney and liver failure and it sets your children up for an early heart attack. There is no illness as harmful as high glucose. Mothers all across the USA and Europe are now experiencing what the illness does to children. It is a familiar but scary phrase. “My child has diabetes”... This is a wake up call to the parent and child.

Stay with Spirit Happy, we have helped people get rid of this illness naturally in over 17 countries.

An insulin resistant diet works to reverse the illness, this has worked for thousands in over 17 countries
See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Why can’t I lose weight? There is a reason dieting fails

Why can’t I lose weight? This is a very familiar question for people who have tried dieting and failed. The riddle for why weight loss diets have not worked has puzzled health professionals and doctors for many years.  To make matters worst there are more people dieting than at any time in U.S history. For those asking  Why can’t I lose weight this is a great question and researchers in Europe may finally have an answer.

The true cause of weight gain

There has been an explosion of obesity in much of the Western world. In the United States there has been an alarming doubling in obesity rates in 40 of the 50 states. This is an incredible number of people who are overweight. Something is seriously wrong and this has become a crisis in many countries. The increase in obesity rates isn't for lack of trying to drop the pounds. People are trying to lose weight but are failing. This may be you,  you are dieting and continuing to failure. Why can’t I lose weight?  Researchers may have an answer.

The diabetic secret

Three years ago researchers in Europe discovered that the Spirit Happy Diabetes Diet was causing weight loss in people without diabetes. When researchers put people who did not have diabetes on the specialized diabetic diet, they all lost the fat fast. This is because the diet did something more than cut calories, it also repaired the damage from food chemicals.( Processed foods damage the body and cause you to hold weight)   The Spirit Happy diet caused the weight loss because it not only stopped the damage from processed foods but it also repaired the body causing a healthy weight loss.  This finally stopped the Why can't I lose weight question. This is what other diets do not do. This was reported in over 5 peer reviewed studies.  Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Pre diabetes now what should I do? Here is an answer

Pre diabetes now what ? This is a question many ask after receiving the bad news that they have a high sugar level. It is important to understand exactly what it means to be pre diabetic. It is a very dangerous situation to be in but it also meas that you have some time. We will speak more on the issue of time a little later. Pre dibetes now what? If this is your situation then please listen to a very special warning

Pre diabetic warning sign

Diabetes is a serious and growing illness. Please understand that it is the most serious crisis in the health profession today. There are over 26 million in the United States with this illness and the problem is getting worst. High glucose is a sign that your pancreas is either not producing good insulin levels or that your cells are becoming insulin resistant. This is serious, what is happening is that your body cannot fight the rising amounts of glucose in your blood. Pre diabetes now what? This is a great question, you must do something before you lose the body to the illness.

The loss of the legs, arms, and the leading cause of blindness

Thousands have had to have an arm or leg removed due to damaging high levels of blood sugar. High glucose also invades the eyes and has been causing rising levels of diabetic blindness. This is a serious illness that must be combated quickly. Often people who are pre diabetic wait around and assume that the illness will just go away. There are also those who assume they can live as a pre diabetic. This is a very dangerous way to think, this is a very silent and deadly illness. If you are asking I have pre diabetes now what? 5 studies showed the Spirit Happy diet reversed Pre diabetes. This has worked for thousands of people in over 17 countries

See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Is there a diet pill that works? What really works and what does not

Is there a diet pill that works is a question that is asked by many people looking for a quick way
  to lose weight, the problem is your “heart” and the many deaths that have been attributed to these
  lose weight fast pills. The bottom line is that pills that cause weight loss try to do it in an un-natural
  way and this cause other health complications. Is there a diet pill that works?  See below

  Are you really losing weight?

Do these  pills truly work at all was studies by a major University and the results were shocking to say the least. The ineffectiveness of ALL these pills were conclusive. 

Melinda Manore, an Oregon State University researcher, reviewed the evidence surrounding
hundreds of weight loss supplements and found no evidence that any single product results in any significant weight loss

Please let that sink in…none worked... this is very important  information for a person truly looking to lose weight. It would be one thing if the pills simply did not work but they did something worst.  Merida a very used weight loss pill was petitioned by the FDA for removal due to the fact that 84 deaths had been linked to the pill.

The average weight loss on the pill Merida was 1 pound.  The average weight loss pill after researching 50 of them was still 1 pound!  For those
asking is there a diet pill that works the answer from numerous of studies is… No.  

Spirit Happy diet users know that the fat safely melt off with a specialized diabetes diet, this is
because the diet naturally causes your body to drop weight by reversing the damage from our modern day processed foods. This was shown in countless of studies

Over 17 countries have used the Spirit Happy diet to naturally lose weight by repairing the body from processed food chemicals which cause weight gain

See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Type 2 diabetes diet in trouble: Why most fail

It is clear that something is wrong with the typical type 2 diabetes diet. 

The numbers of  people suffering from the illness are not slowing down. The illness is in fact spreading at an alarming rate. This has many health professionals at a loss for a clear explanation why. The Type 2 diabetes diet is clearly in trouble because the illness has become a worldwide crisis.

      The growing numbers of Amputations and blindness

     One of the complications of the diabetic crisis has been the loss of the limbs of the body. Diabetes now affects over 25 million in the United States and over 300 million people worldwide. This is the greatest health crisis in the world since AIDS. With the growth of the illness has come a loss of body functions. The number of  amputations (The removal of arms and legs) have double in the last 10 years. In addition, diabetic blindness has  tripled over the same time period. The standard type 2 diabetes diet is not working and this must be addressed.

      The Sugar free dilemma

      The sugar free diet has been a failure in controlling the high blood sugar crisis. The typical diabetic is on a sugar free diet and have replaced sugar with artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners have not helped to slow the epidemic. In fact health studies have linked sugar free sodas to obesity. Something is clearly wrong with the current standard type 2 diabetes diet. Until this is address the crisis shall continue to grow. 

Why not reverse diabetes naturally, the Spirit Happy Diet has reversed diabetes in over 17 countries naturally

See here Type 2 Diabetes Diet